Sunday, November 11, 2007

Being the Best...

Just had a thought over a fag and felt should pen it down. Its about being the best.

Everyone wants to be better than the best- the ultimate best in this fast changing competitive worlds- be it professional or personal.

"I want to top the boards, want to enter the best institute, get the best professional stream, get the best salary in the industry and off course get the best babe around. For that I am ready to slog my butts off and do the nonsense"est" nuisances possible. But I want the best for me and be the best around.", could be those important thoughts when young.

"I want to be surrounded by people all the time. I want my collegues and my boss (the best thing to happen) to keep seeking my help in whatever forms. I want the most trivial opportunities to keep showing myself as the best so that they keep coming back to me. Be it be real or perceptual who cares, but I should look the best.", could be thoughts we start working.

What does one really mean by being the best?? (Poor jokers ward off, offcourse not the mumbai bus. This one is lil serious). What is it that you would compare yourself against, to judge yourself the best? Take some time before you respond in the most gyani manner. Because, I took some time off to ask the same question to people around me.

Lets accept it in the fullest humility that we almost always define being the best against the people around us-our colleagues. Top 1 percentile in the JEEs or CATs make me the best. The cream of nation, the chosen one. Ghanta chosen one, the world around you would make you a choosen one in no time. Thats where comes in the importance of understanding the responsibility of being the best. Its not a target in long term (could be in short term though). Its keeping pace with time and surroundings and being better than what was your best yesterday.

Being the best is not your self image in others eyes but your self image in your own eyes. Its an internal satisfaction of having grown personally.

For a change think it my way, you will be happy having bettered yourself. Its better than getting bothered of being still away from someone better than you. There off course would be someone better than you.


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